Opening: "The Revelation of the Father," by Pastor Philip McLatcherCommunion: "Eagle Revelation," by Terisa VandervestSermon: "The Church in Philadelphia Part 2," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message by Pastor Adrian ByrdSermon: "The Church in Philadelphia Part 1," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: Pastor Adrian ByrdSermon: "Prophetic Summary of the Lord's Revelation for the Past Year," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Opening Teaching: "Discipleship," by Pastor Philip McLatcherCommunion Message: "Seeing Jesus," by Joyce UnderwoodSermon: "The Servant of the Lord and Discipleship," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "The Spirit and the Son/Servant/Anointed One," by Pastor Mike OsminskiSermon: "Prophetic Exhortations for Pentecost," by LHCF Leadership Team
Communion Message: "Proverbs 31," by Pastor Jan OsminskiSermon: "The Prophetic and Apostolic Imperative and the Servant of the Lord Part 2," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "Press into Jesus," by Pastor Jan OsminskiSermon: "Apostolic/Prophetic Impartation," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "Isaiah 54," by Pastor Jan OsminskiSermon: "The Prophetic and Apostolic Imperative and the Servant of the Lord," by Pastor Mike Osminski
"The Suffering Servant of the Lord and the Return from Exile," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "IN CHRIST," by Pastor Jan OsminskiSermon: "The Prophetic and the Apostolic Imperative Part 2," by Pastor Mike Osminski