Sunday Service: March 6, 2022 Communion Message: "Idolatry and Love," by Pastor Mike Osminski Sermon: "Isaiah 40 and the Grace of the Father," by Pastor John Helvey
Sunday Service: February 27, 2022 Communion Message: "Repentance from Idolatry," by Pastor John Helvey Sermon: "Empires and the Kingdom of God," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Sunday Service: January 23, 2022 Communion Message: Pastor John Helvey Sermon: "Spiritual Warfare and Justice," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Sunday Service: November 7, 2021 Communion Message: "IDOP for the Persecuted Church," by Pastor John Helvey Prayers for the Persecuted Church: Various Sermon: "The Church in Laodicea Part 1," by…
Sunday Service: October 31, 2021 Communion Message: "The Apostles' Creed," by Pastor Cyndi Helvey Sermon: "The Worship Jesus Is Seeking," by Pastor John Helvey
Communion Message: Pastor John Helvey Sermon: "The Church in Philadelphia Part 8," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "The Spirit and the Son/Servant/Anointed One," by Pastor Mike OsminskiSermon: "Prophetic Exhortations for Pentecost," by LHCF Leadership Team