Communion Message: "Palm Sunday," by Pastor Jan OsminskiSermon: "The Prophetic Significance of Psalm 149," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "Psalm 118," by Pastor Jan Osminski Sermon: "The Prophetic Significance of Psalms 113-118," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "Psalm 111," by Pastor Jan Osminski Sermon: "The Prophetic Significance of Intercession Part 2," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "Psalm 104," by Pastor Jan Osminski Sermon: "The Prophetic Significance of Intercession," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "Psalm 97," by Pastor Jan Osminski Sermon: "The Prophetic Significance of the Entire Psalter," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "WWJD?," by Pastor Jan Osminski Sermon: "The Prophetic Significance of the Sons of Korah and Moses," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "I Have a Dream," by Pastor Jan Osminski Sermon: "The Prophetic Significance of the Psalms of Asaph," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "Psalm 76," by Pastor Jan Osminski Sermon: "The Prophetic Significance of the Psalms of David and Asaph," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "Love Your Enemies," by Pastor Jan OsminskiSermon: "The Prophetic and Eschatological Nature of the Succession Narrative of David," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Communion Message: "The Pursuit of Jesus by His Enemies," by Pastor Jan OsminskiSermon: "The Prophetic Manifestation of the Lord in the Midst of Suffering," by Pastor Mike Osminski