Sunday Service: January 15, 2023 Communion Message: "A House of Bread," by Pastor Philip McLatcher Sermon: "A Storehouse Church," by Pastor Mike Osminski and the Leadership Team
Sunday Service: January 1, 2023 Communion Message: "The Body of Christ," by Joyce Underwood Sermon: "Kingdom Observations for 2023," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Christmas Service: December 25, 2022 Communion Message/Sermon: "The Meaning of the Incarnation" by Pastor Mike Osminski
Sunday Service: December 18, 2022 Communion Message: Pastor Mike Osminski Sermon: "The Incarnation and the Ministry of Jesus," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Sunday Service: December 4, 2022 Communion Message: "Prayer," by Pastor Philip McLatcher Sermon: "Take My Yoke," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Sunday Service: November 27, 2022 Communion Message: Pastor Adrian Byrd Sermon: "Grace and Apostolic Ministry," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Sunday Service: November 20, 2022 Communion Message: Joyce Underwood Sermon: "A Psalm of Thanksgiving," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Sunday Service: October 30, 2022 Sermon: "The Shepherds of Israel," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Sunday Service: October 23, 2022 Communion Message: "He Must Increase," by Terisa Vandervest Sermon: "An Undivided Heart," by Pastor Mike Osminski
Sunday Service: October 2, 2022 Communion Message: Pastor Janine McLatcher Sermon: "Good and Evil vs Life," by Pastor Mike Osminski